During the last couple of weeks we have really have had some great and interesting discussion regarding the Social Media (SM) impact on our industry as well as on the advertisers and on a larger scale the global impact of "The one".
I joined a discussion between Kurt and Martin, two experienced creative guys at Advance. The topic was: "Is it expected by management that all employees are active in social media and how much".
I think after experiencing Hyper Island it is evident that we need to be aware, try and understand SM - all of us. And I also believe it requires time spent professionally and also as a private person. The latter is of course a personal priority. But I do believe it impacts the level of understanding if you only dip your toes now and then - I'm saying this from personal experience - I have really been trying to UNDERSTAND, but I think I really understood when I truly FELT the emotional value. And it's almost as if you 20 years ago decided that you didn't want to try out personal computers as a principle. Sooner or later you had to.
We as an organization have to constantly push a culture of constant curiosity (not only when it comes to Social Media). And if we personally feel something is rubbish - skip it and move on to something new or talk to someone who's an expert or fan of this particular feature and learn from her.
The above discussion moved onto the future value of employees if they are SM savvy or not. I can confirm that it will matter. A lot of other things also matter, but it will be an important part of the CV's companies are looking for in the future - also at Advance. Not as in the extreme of judging an employee by their Klout Score and picking the one with a K85 - I find the concept interesting, but know now that the algorithm sucks and that will definitely devaluate it. But maybe another way of measurement will appear. At the end of the day the true skills will be the ability to apply the experience and knowledge on clients problems. To judge that I will still need a personal interview and see the guy in the eyes K85 or not.
I deleted my profile on Klout today - got scared about data and privacy after reading Chris' mail referring to:
.. and also a bit because of the algorithm that decreased my score with 30 over night! That sucked. Felt better and more trustworthy when it increased it with 30 over night :-)
I know what you mean. Mine dropped as well after a giant leap day 2, to me for no obvious reason. I almost feel its like the Poker sites: you get a bonus to get started (and hooked) and then you are on your own